SPECIAL NOTE: Before studying this outline, we strongly suggest studying the lesson entitled: HOPE FOR YOUR CHALLENGES and INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS as they are a preface to this specific challenge.

Were You Aware . . .
     that everyone begins this life as a self-centered individual only looking out for his own needs?

Did You ever Wonder
     how any marriage could survive at all when two people are brought together with widely differing cultural backgrounds (often), opposite personalities (usually) and diverse needs?

Any successful marriage is truly a miracle of God!
But how does it come about?
What makes it successful?

Since you probably wouldn’t even be reading this if you weren’t looking for a few answers in your own marriage…how about taking a moment to pray for insight, understanding and discernment as you move forward in this study…

"Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the privilege of coming to You for help in time of need. Thank You for making your help possible through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I desire to do Your will. Forgive me for when I have neglected to present my requests before You. You have promised that when I ask for wisdom, that You will give it. Search my heart and try my thoughts that I may see where MY error lies in causing disharmony in my marriage. Create in me a clean heart and guide me in right paths. Thank You for answering my prayer as I know You desire unity and peace within marriage. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen"

To begin with, let’s take a look at:


It is suggested that if this is your first time through this lesson, that you work through the above links in the order they are given as there is a sequence. For your convenience, these links are offered to give you faster access for repeated reviewing.

If you have questions or need prayer support,
feel free to contact us.

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