The following booklets and monographs are offered for those of you who desire to dig deeper into God's resources for victorious living.

     God has given us over 3500 promises in the Old and New Testaments which are as true and applicable today as they were when they were written.  This is a five-week daily study program which offers deeper insight and understanding regarding the spiritual battle, the new covenant relationship, how to recognize God's answers to our prayers and what hinders His answers, the strength of the will, and renewing the mind…plus much more.

(93 pages, Spiral bound) Price: $15.00 U.S. (postage included)

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     This booklet takes you into a deeper understanding of Biblical discipleship, using worksheets and applications that are helpful as tools to confront and examine your thoughts, words and actions. In addition, the studies give you biblical principles to examine your stewardship in the area of the gift of time, talents and spiritual gifts. There are 8 lessons with daily lesson instructions.

(82 pages, Spiral bound) Price: $15.00 U.S. (postage included)

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If you live outside the United States, contact us for pricing.

Watch this page for more available subject listings still under construction.

May the Creator God bless you as you seek His will for your life!

The following resources are available at any Christian bookstore. We have arranged these according to topics for your convenience.

If you have questions or problems finding them, please feel free to contact us.

God's Plan for You

How to Conquer Fear

You can read this 154 page book expectantly, believing that every fear you have ever had will be dispelled. As you grasp these scriptural truths, you will attain dynamic faith, confidence, courage and true peace of mind.

Author: Don Gossett

Publisher: Whitaker House

Shattering Your Strongholds

This is a book that is born out of the author’s personal desire to live the "full" life that is offered by our Lord. We do not have to live a life enslaved by the entanglements of Satan. There is freedom available for all. (Comment by Ron Shaw, National Director, Reinhard Bonnke Ministries)

Here is a refreshing look at a truth that may be just what you need to walk in the freedom that Christ has destined for His own. This is a practical book, born out of experience, and shared with warmth and clarity. (Comment by Iverna Tompkins, Internationally known speaker and author)

Author: Liberty S. Savard

Publisher: Logos

Stomping out the Darkness

A great book for young people and their parents! It tells how you can break free of all the garbage and negative thoughts that cloud your mind and how to discover the joy of being a child of God. You’ll discover that God has had a plan for your life from the beginning of time—and , even though something went wrong with that plan, God has put everything back in order through Jesus. All you have to do is believe.

Author: Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park

Publisher: Regal Books

God's Plans for your Finances

God has a financial system. The Bible is very clear that God gives us power (ability) to get wealth so that He can establish His covenant in the earth through us. This basic economic principle, which is clearly explained in God's Plans for Your Finances, is the foundation for godly prosperity. If it is overlooked, it can cause frustration, wrong motives, and abuse. As a believer, it is part of your mission and calling to activate the power to produce wealth in order to help build God's kingdom.

Author: Dwight Nichols

War Has Been Declared

The Bait of Satan

This book exposes one of Satan’s most deceptive snares to get you out of God’s will – offense. Jesus said, "It is impossible but that offenses will come" (Luke 17:1). Nevertheless, most people who are ensnared by the bait of Satan don’t even realize it. You will encounter offense, and it’s up to you how you’re going to let it affect your relationship with God. Your response will determine your future. You can be delivered from the bait of Satan, stay free from offense, and escape the victim mentality.

Author: John Bevere

Publisher: Creation House

The Bondage Breaker

The Bible warns repeatedly that all Christians will struggle against Satan and his spiritual forces of darkness. While the spiritual conflict that churns within you is very real, the answers are just as tangible. This book reveals the whys and hows of spiritual warfare and exposes Satan’s battle for your mind. It also shares the powerful truth that will break even the most stubborn habits or private sins. Don’t wait any longer to discover that your most important defense against a life of bondage is recognizing the enemy and knowing how to defeat him.

Author: Neil T. Anderson

Publisher: Harvest House

God's Protection for You

Freedom from Addiction

Here is a unique, Christ-centered model for recovery that has already helped hundreds of thousands break free from alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictive behaviors. In Freedom from Addiction, you'll discover how you can apply the powerful Steps to Freedom in Christ directly to the problem of addiction. This book is a life-changing message for individuals, and their loved ones, who struggle with self-destructive behavior. It also provides powerful insights for those who regularly counsel others struggling with addictions.

Author: Neil T. Anderson and Mike & Julia Quarles

Publisher: Regal Books

How You can Shut the Devil’s Door

Under the divine law of God, the devil is restricted to the realm of darkness. As believers in Jesus we are translated from the devil’s domain of darkness into God’s kingdom of light. This book equips you with the knowledge you need to avoid deception. Now you can shut and lock this door of our enemy – permanently.

Author: John Bevere

Publisher: Creation House


How to Pray

The author shares spiritual guidelines to prayer in this powerful and dynamic book. His message is thorough and complete, including: prayer and obedience, praying in the Spirit, praying according to God’s will, abiding in Christ, prayer with thanksgiving, hindrances to prayer, when to pray, prayer and revival, plus much more!

Author: R. A. Torrey

Publisher: Whitaker House

Mighty Prevailing Prayer

Let this book speak to your heart, take you to your knees, and help you obtain prayer answers in difficult and resistant situations. You will want to read and refer to it again and again. It is a life-time investment.

Author: Wesley L. Duewel

Publisher: Zondervan

Intercessory Prayer

If God is all-powerful, why does He need us to pray? If we pray and nothing happens, does this mean that God isn't listening?
If you've ever felt that your prayers don't count, Intercessory Prayer will show you just how vital your prayers are.
This book will inspire you, give you the courage to pray for the "impossible" and help you find the persistence to see your prayers to completion.

Author: Dutch Sheets

Publisher: Regal

Marriage Relationships

Love for all Seasons

Using vivid stories, word studies, thought-provoking questions, and even a personal or small group study guide, Dr. Trent will introduce you to principles that can enhance your relationship with your spouse and with God. Whether you are contemplating marriage, in the midst of raising a family or re-discovering your spouse after the children have grown and gone, now is the time to put your marriage on a path towards intimacy designed to last a lifetime! Complete with Study Guide

Author: John Trent, Ph. D.

Publisher: Moody Press

Love Life . . . for every Married Couple

Physician Ed Wheat has helped thousands of couples improve their love lives and build happier marriages. In this book he'll help you improve your marriage through sharing, touching, appreciating, and focusing healing attention on your mate. Dr. Wheat is a retired physician and sex therapist in Springdale, Arkansas. Gloria Okes Perkins is a writer and biblical counselor.

Author: Ed Wheat, M.D. & Gloria Okes Perkins

Publisher: Zondervan Publishing House

Family Relationships

Child Training Tips

Drawing from his experience as pastor and a parent, Reb Bradley shares his practical insights on one of the most fundamental, yet challenging aspects of parenting - discipline. Child Training Tips is a helpful little book that will get any parent started on the right track - and keep them there. (comment by Gary Ezzo, from Growing Families International)

Reb Bradley says, "May all of us as parents seek God for the insight, self discipline and consistency we need to successfully raise the next generation to be mature, responsible followers of Christ."

Author: Reb Bradley

Publisher: Family Ministries Publishing

Faithful Parents / Faithful Kids

When it comes to finding our way as parents - and especially to developing faithful children - I'm thankful I know two expert, personal "guides" named Mike Yorkey and Greg Johnson . . . If you're serious about sending your child off with a heart filled with Jesus' love and presence, and you'd like some practical, biblical advice from two of the best guides in the country, this book is for you. (From the foreword by John Trent, Ph. D.)

Minding Your Own Business

Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore are truly pioneers in the field of home schooling and family training. In this book, Dr. and Mrs. Moore give you some great advice for successfully managing your family. Then, after you've organized your home, they show you creative and practical ways that your family can start a home business together.

Authors: Raymond & Dorothy Moore

Publisher: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc.

To Train Up a Child

This book is not about discipline, nor problem children. The emphasis is on the training of a child before the need to discipline arises. It is apparent that most parents never attempt to train a child to obey. They wait until the child becomes unbearable and then explode. With proper training, discipline can be reduced to 5 % of what many now practice. As you come to understand the difference between training and discipline, you will have a renewed vision for your family - no more raised voices, no contention, no bad attitudes, fewer spankings, a cheerful atmosphere in the home, and total obedience from your children.

Authors: Michael & Debi Pearl

Publishers: Michael and Debi Pearl


It is suggested that if this is your first time through this lesson, that you work through the above links in the order they are given as there is a sequence. For your convenience, these links are offered to give you faster access for repeated reviewing.

If you have questions or need prayer support,
feel free to contact us.

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